

Leveraging AI to Secure Your Business

Digital Threat Protection, Information Security, and Dark Web Monitoring with AI-based Security Monitors. Protect Your Business Against Cyber Threats, Identity Thefts and Data Leaks with XVigil.


Infrastructure Monitor

CloudSEK has been dedicating several man hours and resources to the goal of creating a complete range of infrastructure security solutions. CloudSEK’s range of invasive security scans and monitors ensure that your infrastructure and applications enjoy watertight digital protection.

Real time

Infrastructure Intelligence

Widespread live network brings with it dynamism in the asset movement. It is not possible to discover all assets and threats with legacy tools alone. A real-time monitor helps organisations in:

  • - Making live discovery of any new asset
  • - Assess the exposure and Correlate with
  • - big data
  • - Map to client’s assets and relevance
  • - Rate the exposures according to severity
  • - and prioritise them

CloudSEK’s infrastructure threat board shares the results along with the severity of the threat. A detailed report is also generated for further analysis.
