
Scan Your Mailbox Now - Barracuda Email Threat Scanner Available for FREE!

2021-07-27 - Admin Sysware

Incredible as it may seem, more than 90% of cyberattacks start with an email. To understand why email is the weakest in the security chain, let us look at the different types of top email threats facing businesses today. Hard to believe again, there are as many as 13 of them! to know more about every type of email threats.

Think beyond the gateway for better protection

While traditional email gateway remains an integral part of the security infrastructure, is it powerful enough to combat all types of invaders? We obviously need a more proactive protection mechanism to find out all potential threats, instead of taking reactive and corrective actions on a cybersecurity breach which may lead to unrecoverable data loss and revenue loss.

API-based inbox defense is the answer, which leverages historical communication data to spot anomalous emails that evade the gateway and land in users’ inboxes, while removing malicious emails instantaneously. Take the first step with a free trial of the Barracuda Email Threat Scanner here

Find threats already in your users' inboxes :

  1. Spear phishing
  2. Business email compromise
  3. Conversation hijacking
  4. Brand and domain impersonation
  5. Extortion
  6. Scamming
  7. URL phishing


It’s fast, free and safe—with no impact on email performance. Scan Your Mailbox Now!


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